Meet the Horses
Angel is a black welsh cross pony. Angel loves to eat and jump! She is excellent at teaching our beginners to steer.
Astris is a chestnut Andalusian gelding whose large stride is likened to sitting on a couch. His confidence and gentle disposition make him an instant favorite!
Ava is a bay Mustang mare. Her incredibly sweet disposition and eager nature make her an excellent teacher. Ava is not only a rider favorite, but a trainer favorite as well!
Betta is a bay Warmblood mare. She is our fiery girl who excels in transforming the intermediate and advanced riders.
Blaze is a bay Arabian/Saddlebred cross. Blaze is a National Champion on the Arabian circuit.
Brandy is a half Paint, half Arabian mare. She is a Multi National Champion in Western Pleasure, Ladies Side Saddle, and Western and English Trail. Now Brandy spends her days teaching both new and intermediate riders the ropes of the equestrian sport.
Butter is a palomino Quarter Horse gelding. He has a background in western pleasure and has a wonderful trot to master one's sitting trot seat.
Centella is a chestnut Arabian mare. Centella has shown across the country and has quickly become a favorite at the barn.
Cisco is a bay Warmblood gelding. His favorite past time is munching on Jolly Ranchers and posing for Instagram photos.
Chrissy is a grey warmblood mare who is one of THE best school masters. In her earlier years she competed jumping up to 1.4 meters!
Born and raised at White Rock Ranch, Dazzle is a Paint Arab cross mare. She loves neck scratches and packing kids over small jumps!
Donny is a stunning dark bay Warmblood gelding. He is a UCSC team favorite!
Duke is a bay Warmblood gelding. Duke is a school master and is an excellent teacher for our intermediate and advanced riders looking to break into the show scene.
Duncan was also born and raised at White Rock, he is Dazzle's son! Duncan is a Paint pony who is a well loved favorite! Fun fact, Duncan has been ridden to rope cattle!
Eggo is a flea bitten grey Warmblood gelding. He is known around the barn for being a smooth ride and for eating ALL THE SNACKS.
Ellie is a bay Quarter Pony mare. Ellie has won many pony hunter division championships on the rated circuit. She is a great pony to step up into the higher jumper divisions.
Frosty is a grey Welsh Pony gelding.
Fudge is a bay Quarab, or half Arabian/half Quarter Horse, gelding.
Bio Coming Soon!
Herman is another pony who was born and raised at White Rock. Herman is a blue roan gelding. Herman loves to jump and is great at giving kids the confidence they need to work up from the cross rails.
Icey is our Welsh wonder pony. He is a grey gelding, and is a small pony hunter.
Jack is a black half Welsh pony. He is a large pony, and has a background competing in the hunter ring.
Jessy is a dark bay Warmblood gelding. Jessy was a 1.3M horse and has competed in the upper levels of dressage. He will take your rider to the next level on the flat and over fences!
Kilo is another homebred lesson horse. He is a chestnut Arab/Quarter Horse cross and is an excellent horse to master the sitting trot on! His bald face makes him easy to spot in our gelding paddock.
Legs is a Thoroughbred gelding. He has a hunter/jumper background and quite the sweet disposition. His unwavering forward attitude and eagerness to overcome any fence has earned him adoration and the title of undisputed favorite amongst the UCSC riders.
Lilly is a Warmblood Paint cross mare with a dressage background. These days she also excels in the equitation ring. She is one of the favorites when it comes to learning how to canter.
Lyza is a dark bay Warmblood mare who has competed in the jumpers up to 1.4 meters! She continues to enjoy instilling a love for the jumpers in all who ride her!
Homebred, Murph is one of our newest lesson ponies. He is a blue roan gelding and has one of the most unique coats in the herd. He is enjoying learning the ropes of school horse life and his sweet mannerisms makes him easy to love.
Pete was born and raised at White Rock. He is a Quarab, or half Quarter Horse/half Arabian, chestnut gelding. Pete is a favorite amongst both our very beginning riders and those who have been riding for years.
Rocket is a chestnut Warmblood mare. In her heyday she jumped in the 1.4 meter classes! Now she enjoys her job as lesson horse and occasional member of the Mt Madonna Stables trail horse group.
Sporty is a chestnut Arabian gelding. Sporty is a multi national champion show hack horse on the Arabian Circuit. He has also been competed side saddle!
Zeus is a flea bitten grey Arabian gelding. Zeus is a "been there, done that" school MASTER. Zeus is a multi national champion in dressage. His lengthy show career has helped turned this sweet guy into a pro at helping young riders gain confidence.